
Esposizioni Sud Est | Alberte Agerskov “Rhizomatic Correspondence Piece Extract 2 (RCP: E2)”

Salgemma had the pleasure of interviewing Donato Loforese and Patrizia Mastrapasqua, founders of Esposizioni Sud Est, a domestic space in Conversano open to contemporary art research and practices. In addition, we had the opportunity to ask some questions to artist Alberte Agerskov, who is currently...

Gesture Objects | Tanja Hamester

Gesture Objects. On finding and leaving traces is the title of Tanja Hamester's solo exhibition, which opened last February 4 in the spaces of VOGA in Bari. Tanja Hamester - we read in the exhibition press release - "proposes a bottom-up strategy on which she...

Education and production on the contemporary image

How did Linea’s project and presentation of spaces and curatorial board come about? linea, a new space for production and research on contemporary practices, was born in Lecce in December 2020, on the initiative of Alice Caracciolo. Through a public programme of exhibitions, live performances...

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